The shortage of occupation list has today been expanded to include a range of skilled occupations, following changes to the Immigration Rules.
If there's a no deal Brexit, border controls will be introduced to make it harder for criminals to enter the UK.
To raise awareness of the Windrush Compensation Scheme a series of community events will be held across the country.
New statistics up to the end of July show more than 950,000 applications from England, 50,000 from Scotland, 15,000 from Wales and 12,000 from Northern Ireland.
The world’s top scientists will be encouraged to move to the UK under a shake-up of immigration rules announced by the Prime Minister today.
A pilot to encourage refugee entrepreneur programmes across the UK has been announced.
PSI Services has been awarded the Life in the UK contract by the Home Office, it was announced today.
More than one million additional visitors have used the digital border process to enter the UK.
The 25th Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) starts in Geneva today.
The Home Secretary Sajid Javid has asked the Migration Advisory Committee to review and advise on salary thresholds for the future immigration system.
The Home Office is undertaking a year-long engagement programme around the future skills-based immigration system.
The Home Office is undertaking a year-long engagement programme around the future skills-based immigration system.
Caroline Nokes met with entrepreneurs and academics as part of the government’s engagement on the future immigration system.
Caroline Nokes met with entrepreneurs and academics as part of the government’s engagement on the future immigration system.
New report which looks to improve integration strategies to better support refugees in the UK has been launched by the Immigration Minister today.
New report which looks to improve integration strategies to better support refugees in the UK has been launched by the Immigration Minister today.
Home Secretary Sajid Javid has confirmed that more than 750,000 applications have now been received for the EU Settlement Scheme.
Home Secretary Sajid Javid has confirmed that more than 750,000 applications have now been received for the EU Settlement Scheme.
Eligible travellers from 7 non-EU countries can now use ePassport gates to enter the UK quickly and securely in changes being made to the border.
Eligible travellers from 7 non-EU countries can now use ePassport gates to enter the UK quickly and securely in changes being made to the border.